速報APP / 天氣 / Art Weather

Art Weather


檔案大小:251.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.3 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Art Weather(圖1)-速報App

A very simple weather app to help you prepare for an upcoming trip or just to check and see if you should grab a jacket, an umbrella, sunscreen, a fedora, or a fine poncho with you. I know, right?

Enjoy inspiring photography as a stunning background to this gorgeous user interface.



- Show temperature and weather of current location.

- Display temperature according to time.

- Display temperature in graphical format to analyse.

- Display temperature in Fahrenheit/Celsius.

- Beautiful photography

Features to come:


- Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or to the right to switch between locations.

- Swipe up and down to view the detailed weather information.

Download and enjoy today!
